Luminous Hearts

Luminous Hearts is an unincorporated not for profit members association, providing resources, education and tools to members. We are a knowledge exchange environment where real life learning and growth takes place, opening the mind for forward thinking in areas of community progress and sustainability where man, woman, child, plant and animal can come together in peace, balance, and understanding.

Already a member? Log in here

Our online store is available only to our members. Lifetime general membership is only $1, which is then donated to the Central Coast homeless shelter. On becoming a member you then have access to our online store (Including CBD-related products), along with a wealth of information and resources.

Nature’s Nectars, Love & Devotion and Embrace Wellness Holistic Hub are projects of Luminous Hearts.

Our mission is to create safe environments for healing physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Our projects create healthy and safe environments and products through conscious, unconditional love for our community.

We exist to provide a safe space for members of all ages to support health, education and evolution through the applied practice of wellbeing.